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Municipalities have the ability and desire to protect and preserve biodiversity is the website of the Nature Municipalities Network and Nature-wise Municipalities Network. It supports municipalities and cities in their actions to protect biodiversity and use nature in a sustainable way. #luontokunnat

A spring nature  path

Nature Municipalities Network

Membership in the Nature Municipalities Network is individual and carries no obligations on the part of the person joining or the municipality. It is open to municipal authorities and employees as well as those in a position of trust in municipalities. The network is voluntary and supports its members in carrying out nature work within the municipalities in question. After the initial gathering on 24 September 2020, more than 350 individuals from over 100 municipalities, municipal organisations and regions have joined the Nature Municipalities Network.

List of stakeholders for the nature municipalities

Anyone interested in the network’s activities can join its list of stakeholders. Interested parties might include those who are active in organisations and companies or who are simply interested in the nature activities carried out within the municipalities. Once you have joined the list of stakeholders, you will be included in the emailing list and are warmly welcome to attend any events organised by the network.

Municipal co-operation for the benefit of nature

To work effectively for nature, municipalities need to actively invest in internal and external co-operation as well as the development of municipal functions. Municipalities are encouraged to exchange information with other actors through the Nature Municipalities Network. Many municipalities are faced with the same challenges, and collaboration enables learning from one another and the development of new solutions.

City meadow

Nature-wise Municipalities Network – promoting actions for nature and municipal vitality

The Nature-wise Municipalities Network seeks to minimise nature loss, promote biodiversity and reduce activities that weaken nature. The Nature-wise Municipalities Network is a network for pioneering municipalities. #luontoviisaatkunnat

The Nature-wise Municipalities Network was established on 31 January 2023 and endeavours to carry out goal-oriented activities. Joining the network requires a decision by a municipal council, board or other party exercising similar authority. In order to join, municipalities must also meet specific network criteria.

The criteria for the Nature-wise Municipalities Network refer to the activities of municipalities to minimise nature loss and guidelines to show that the municipality intends to credibly commit to reducing the nature-weakening impact of its own actions and promote biodiversity. In addition to its own activities, the municipality commits to influencing actors in its region, such as residents, companies, agricultural and forestry entrepreneurs as well as holiday residents as a means of increasing their awareness of biodiversity.

Loss of biodiversity is halted by municipalities

Although loss of biodiversity is a global challenge, actions to halt it are often local. The biggest threat to biodiversity lies in changes in land use, which municipalities can significantly impact through effective land use planning. Together with regions, municipalities are responsible for land use planning.

In addition to its own activities, a nature-wise municipality commits to influencing actors in its area, such as residents, companies, agricultural and forestry entrepreneurs as well as holiday residents as a means of increasing their awareness of biodiversity.

Green roof

Actors associated with the nature municipalities networks

The Finnish Environment Institute and the Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities jointly manage the Nature Municipalities and Nature-wise Municipalities Networks. The networks co-operate with municipalities and cities, in particular, as well as many other actors. The Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities and the Finnish Environment Institute are responsible for the funding of the networks, jointly with foundations and other sponsors through the project funding they provide.

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